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Professional Projects


Basepin Website Campaign

  • Position: Digital Marketing Consultant

  • Client: Basepin, Inc. - Virtual Design & Construction (VDC) and Building Information Management (BIM) consulting firm.

  • Description: Conducted an audit of the client’s existing online presence, made recommendations, developed a client-centric SEO strategy, and executed the approved campaign to build a new company website.

  • Tools: SEMrush, Google Keyword Planner, Google Analytics, Ahrefs, Moz, Adobe Illustrator, Figma, Connection Model (CMS), Google Slides, Google Sheets, Canva

  • Initial Results: 30% increase in website traffic, 50% reduction in bounce rate since website launch on February 26, 2021

“It was a great pleasure working with Stacey on a very challenging project. Her dedication, conscientiousness, and creativity combined to produce a beautiful error-free product. I appreciated her results-driven focus that produced a site that better positions us to acquire new customers.”

— Kim L. Basepin Vice President

UC Berkeley Individual Coursework


Paid Search Campaign

  • Assignment: Create a Google Ads paid search campaign for a local business. Develop the campaign structure and ad copy.

  • Local business: Basepin, Inc.

  • Tools: Google Ads, SEMrush, Google Keyword Planner, Google Analytics, Canva

  • Special note: I was hired by Basepin as a digital marketing consultant to develop a new website for the company while I taking the U.C. Berkeley course. When the opportunity was available, I used Basepin as the topic of my coursework and would share my work with the Basepin team. As a result Basepin plans to conduct a paid search campaign as part of the long-term SEO plan I created for them.


Display Campaign & Creative Brief

  • Assignment: Develop a display campaign and creative brief for a local business that includes brand considerations and technical specifications a design team would need to produce the ads. Recommend a campaign goal and bidding strategy. Synthesize key performance takeaways into recommendations to improve campaign performance.

  • Local business: Basepin, Inc.

  • Tools: Google Ads, Google Docs

  • Special note: I was hired by Basepin as a digital marketing consultant to develop a new website for the company while I was taking the U.C. Berkeley course. When the opportunity was available, I used Basepin as the topic of my coursework and would share my work with the Basepin team.


Social Media Campaign

  • Assignment: Develop the strategy for a multi-platform social media campaign to help build a local company’s reputation. Justify the use of each social media platform based on its user behavior. Build out a campaign in two ad platforms.

  • Local business: Dick’s Drive In Restaurants

  • Tools: Facebook Ads Manager, LinkedIn Campaign Manager, Canva


Retargeting Campaign

  • Assignment: Summarize retargeting strategies and best practices in a campaign brief for two local companies, articulate how retargeting can increase performance at all stages of a company’s conversion funnel. Build an engagement-based retargeting audience in Facebook Ads Manager.

  • Local businesses: Basepin, Inc. & Dick’s Drive In Restaurants

  • Tools: Google Docs, Google Ads Facebook Ads Manager

  • Special note: I was hired by Basepin as a digital marketing consultant to develop a new website for the company while I was taking the U.C. Berkeley course. When the opportunity was available, I used Basepin as the topic of my coursework and would share my work with the Basepin team.


Content Analysis & Ideation

  • Assignment: Conduct a content marketing analysis, gap analysis, and keyword research for a local business. Present ideas for new content to meet the business’s objectives.

  • Topic: Watts Brewing Company

  • Tools: The Hoth, Canva, Google Sheets

  • Special note: I contacted Watts Brewing to tell them about this project. They invited me to present to their company leadership. As a result they plan to implement elements of my work into their marketing strategy.


Website SEO Campaign

  • Description: Apply SEO best practices by auditing a website for elements that help and hurt its SEO. Develop recommendations for the website to improve how search engines crawl and rank it. Include an updated keyword strategy, an internal linking structure, content updates, metadata updates, recommendations for future content to add to the website to improve SEO, and a backlink strategy.

  • Topic: Hedge House Furniture

  • Tools: SEMrush, Google Keyword Planner, Canva

“Stacey excelled in every facet of the UC Berkeley Digital Marketing Bootcamp. Consistently, her work set the standard for class excellence. Stacey was also generous with her time in helping others outside of class. She is a self-starter who impressively sought out opportunities to apply her knowledge in SEO strategy, content development, and paid search.”

Thomas E. - Digital Content Development, Digital Marketing, Employee Training Development, and Distance Learning Consultant

UC Berkeley Group Coursework


Group Project 1 | Website SEO

  • Description: Work with a team of five people to research and create a marketing plan for a nonprofit of our creation. Build a WordPress website to act as the cornerstone of the nonprofit’s marketing program. Present the marketing plan, website, objectives, and KPIs.

  • My contribution: Created objectives, strategies, KPIs, and tactics for each stage of the conversion funnel. Generated SEO strategy including; keywords, internal linking, and backlinking. Conducted keyword research and a gap analysis. Wrote copy for sections of the WordPress site. Developed brand image including, colors, logo, and fonts used across the presentation and website.

  • Tools: WordPress, Google Drive, Google Sheets, Google Docs, SEMrush, Canva, Slack


Group Project 2 | Rewards Program

  • Description: Work on a team of five people to create a rewards program for Intelligentsia Coffee that incentivizes repeat visits to brick-and-mortar locations and creates brand evangelism online. Create and present a multi-channel digital marketing plan and a WordPress landing page for the rewards program.

  • My contribution: Led daily stand ups, tracked action items for the entire team, conducted audience research, developed customer personas, wrote campaign objectives including, strategies, KPIs, and tactics for each stage of the conversion funnel. Developed ad copy for a paid search campaign and copy / creative for Facebook ad campaign. Co-developed lead scoring guide and wrote copy for sections of the WordPress landing page.

  • Tools: WordPress, Google Drive, Google Sheets, Google Docs, Google Ads, Canva, Facebook Ads, Slack

Stacey and I were in a five month digital marketing program together and she distinguished herself early on in the program as a brilliant mind with fastidious work habits. I was thrilled to find myself in a group with her for a month long midterm project. Stacey has a very professional demeanor. She is deliberate in her words and thoughtful in all of her interactions with her colleagues. She pushes everyone for their best work in a way that is respectful, generous and thorough. Stacey is an asset to any team and will excel at research, data analysis and project management.

Jimmy M. - Art Director | Experienced Creative Project Manager

Research, creativity, and relentless attention to detail guide my marketing approach. Let’s chat about what you need.